Alberto Krali

Alberto Krali, an expert in German studies, teaches German at the Faculty of Political Science in the Catholic University of Milan and is coordinator for the Italo-German Degree in collaboration with the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg. He is involved in promoting exchanges with foreign institutions, particularly German ones. He has taught in Heidelberg and co-authored with Hans Georg Gadamer and Emanuel Levinas L’identità culturale europea tra germanesimo e latinità, European Cultural Identity between Germanism and Latinism (Jaca Book, 1987). Following a conversation with Ernst Nolte he wrote Intervista sulla questione tedesca ieri e oggi, Interview on the Present and Past German Question (Laterza, 1993). He curated and co-authored Religiosità e Occidente: Una riflessione sull’identità culturale della nostra epoca, Religiousness and the West: A Reflection on the Cultural Identity of Our Era, with the contributions of H.G. Gadamer, E. Levinas and A. Bausola (Marietti, 1992). He is also a free-lance journalist