Luca Sardella

Luca Sardella, an agronomist specialized in phytopathology, has always had two great passions, music and plants. His first musical hit goes back to 1984 with the song, Io, io senza te, performed by Fausto Leali, while his “green” career began with designing gardens for VIPs and then in the 1990/1991 season went on to the RAI2 programme Mattina Due. In 1991 begins the collaboration with Janira Majello (currently editor-in-chief of the monthly, Vivere LIGHT) which put both of them in the limelight and drew the public’s attention. Among their TV successes are Una pianta al giorno, the first programme in Italy exclusively dedicated to gardening, Verde mattina, Verdissimo, La Vecchia Fattoria and Garden. In the bookstores they hit the top ten sellers with I consigli di Verde Mattina; Le Ricette della Vecchia Fattoria; In Cucina con La Vecchia Fattoria; I Dolci della Vecchia Fattoria; Polvere di Spezie.