Vera Slepoj

Vera Slepoj, a degree in psychology, specialized in individual and group psychotherapy, lives and works in Padua, Milan and London. Over the years, she has been involved in many activities: among them, teaching at the University of Siena, President of the Italian Federation of Psychologists and the International Health Observatory, director of important schools for training in psychology. She was a member ot the Authority for Volunteers and the TV and Minors Committee of the Ministry of Communications. In addition, she was the local authority for Culture and Social Politics of the Province of Padua. The author of scientific and popular science publications (Legami di famiglia, Capire i sentimenti, Le ferite delle donne, L’età dell’incertezza, Cara TV con te non ci sto più), she participates in TV programmes and collaborates with various publications, among which is Diva e donna. Le nuove ferite degli uomini is a revised, fuller and updated version of her book that came out in 2004. Some of her books have been translated by international publishing houses, like Payot.