Every House Needs a Balcony

Cairo Publishing

Every House Needs a Balcony

traduzione di Elisa Carandina

In the poverty-stricken heart of Haifa, a young girl of Rumanian origin grows up with her sister and parents in one small room with a balcony. It’s the 1950’s and before this window on the world passes the life of the new, strange country that was born from the ruins of Europe and which took in its inhabitants from at least two continents. The years pass, the child becomes a lovely woman and meets her Prince Charming: a very well-off Jewish student of European origin. The two fall in love, marry, and move into a luxury apartment in Barcelona. Just as in a marvellous fairy tale. When she realizes she is expecting a child, the young woman wants to go back to Israel, to the simple life she has never ceased missing. But her boisterous youth and all those she loved are far, life comes to claim its ration of pain and the fairy tale takes on the clearer and crueller shape of reality.

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