All Mussolini’s Men

Cairo Publishing

All Mussolini’s Men

The court that Benito Mussolini collects around himself over the twenty some years of his power was like a cage of ferocious beasts that he kept at bay like a circus lion tamer. Using secret dossiers recording the little sins of his closest collaborators, the Duce perpetually kept the tension high among them. He set one against the other to the end of wearing them down and slowing down their ambitions. He used all the dictators skilfully and unscrupulously from Starace to Farinacci, Balbo to Turati, Bombacci to Arpinati, Bottai and on to Preziosi. However, infinitely sensitive to adulation, Mussolini was often disappointed by his courtiers, most of all by Dino Grandi, who charmed him from the very beginning, only to show himself an infidel by vocation. On their part, the Fascist leaders lived immersed in an atmosphere of intrigues, squalor and reciprocal rivalries, concerned about constructing a sphere of power, whether small or big, to fight against the enemy ones. After all, as Roberto Festorazzi narrates with able and precise brushstrokes, the life of each of these personages is like the plot of a film, or better yet, footage of a large cinematographic fresco, the historical colossal of Mussolini and his personal adventure, inextricably fused to the collective biography of the Italians.

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