Dear Love

Cairo Publishing

Dear Love

Family ties, as we know, are often a little uncomfortable and only slightly reassuring. We are all tied to each other by a thread – writes Clara Sereni –, but when there’s a disabled person at the other end of the thread, everything changes. Because people who are different have a harder time living, and no one knows better than those who accompany them through the difficulties of every day. How do parents of the disabled feel, so exposed to people’ judgement and society’s inefficiencies? Is it true that today they are more guaranteed, that they feel less shame? How do the most fragile tell about their own experiences? How do they live out their relationships with brothers, sisters, close relatives? And when it’s the parents who have problems, what does it mean to be their children? Stories about love where love is stronger and dearer. Stories about love where love also costs dearly. Stories where one cannot always draw a balance sheet, unfinished stories. But when these stories about life find words, they can also run freely and serenely, surprise us, move towards fable and dream. Constructing a future, giving voice to hope: the letter form is the most direct, more sensitive to contradictions, freer. That’s why Clara Sereni asked for letters from well-known people in show business, journalism, literature and politics like Franco Amurri, Oliviero Beha, Giovanni Maria Bellu, Gloria Buffo, Paola Cortellesi, Barbara Garlaschelli, Valentina Locchi, Kicca Menoni, Pulsatilla, Lunetta Savino, people who live with their own diversity or with that of others. Because through their testimonies it is easier to understand and be understood, help and help yourself, narrate and tell about yourself. For us also.

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