The African Spouse

Cairo Publishing

The African Spouse

Nina is Italian from Milan, but her origins are Slavic. Yakhouba comes from Senegal, a tiny diamond in his ear, two black pools for eyes and a gaze that nails you to the spot. It’s love at first sight. An overwhelming passion. She has a big, unconventional family. He is surrounded by a proper tribe in Milan and in Africa. She plans a life with him and their children. He marries a cousin to whom he has been promised from birth. She teaches art and works in the radio. He is an entrepreneur screwed up by a new idea every day. She thinks about possible tomorrows. He thinks about the next five minutes. On one hand the West with its rules and planning habits, on the other Africa, improvisation, imagination, ancestral traditions. Nina’s friends are sceptical about how long it will last. For Yakhouba’s friends it’s not a problem. There are emotions, disappointments and tears in this intense and modern fable full of conflicts, surprises and plot twists. It unfurls in the space of ten years in Italy, Senegal and Switzerland. Every time this love story seems to be coming to an end, fate takes a surprising turn and gives it another chance.