Red wine 12 cm Pumps

Cairo Publishing

Red wine 12 cm Pumps

Gilda has a job different from many others: she is a professional wine taster. However, she has a dream in common with thousands of other women: finding the Man of Her Life, who, in her case, must be like the ideal wine cellar, a mix of Italian and French labels to satisfy every whim. At the tasting exam, he must be balanced, fine, smooth, mellow, fresh, harmonious and mature. Visually he must be sound and vivacious, ruby red warm, and smell spicy, intense and complex. It seems easy, but even for a wine taster in high heels, finding a truly AOC companion is a question of lots of taste, patience and, naturally, a pinch of luck. Driven by the desire to fully taste life and the opportunities it offers, Gilda, attractive but ironic, bold but fragile, travels the world on the wine roads and shares her doubts, hopes and advice with her forever friends, Lara and Adriana. Amidst amorous encounters and vanished illusions, the protagonist tells us with equal passion about the wines that satiate body and soul (and, as an expert, the ones most fit for any occasion) and the man that fills her heart (will it really be Him this time?). In the first Italian “oenological novel“, Adua Villa, with a style at times sparkling and at others still and with a wealth of aromas, immerses the reader in an experience that involves every one of the five senses: an entertaining feminine voyage in the profound emotions bound to those bottles the author could never give up. Because wine, like love, must be experienced rather than explained.

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