Stolen Voices

Cairo Publishing

Stolen Voices

The Horrors of War in Youngsters’ Diaries
traduzione di Maria Eugenia Morin

Fourteen girls and boys tell about their painful experiences in their diaries. Two world wars, the conflicts in Vietnam, the Balkans, the Middle East, Afghanistan and Iraq: voices that come to us from different eras and cultures but that speak the same language of loss, that express the same sense of injustice, as if they had been written by the same person.So that one day war may truly be cancelled from our collective future. The destiny of this youth, a future Roman emperor, and of the woman who will be the Queen of Palmyra, are fated to cross. Lovely Zenobia wants to become empress, and Aurelius opposes her: once again there is a clash between East and West, and once again, the supreme power on Rome is at stake.

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