Treatise on vampirology

Cairo Publishing

Treatise on vampirology

tradotto e adattato dal tedesco e dal nederlandese ad opera di Édouard Brasey

Everyone talks about them, but how many know that there really are vampires? Or where they come from, where they lurk and, above all, how can they be eliminated? Because if we don’t watch out, one day not so far off, we might wake up in a land populated only by the Un-dead. These are the words of the only true authority on the subject, Professor Abraham Van Helsing, the man who defeated the peerless vampire, Count Dracula in the flesh (if one can say that). In this enthralling book, which has emerged from the dusty oblivion of more than a century, Van Helsing throws open the doors of darkness before us. A darkness swarming with vampires (male and female!), witches, larvae, the risen from the dead, upirs, vurdalaks and other sinister creatures who resurface from the night of time with a sole desire: drink our blood... A thrilling excursus through myth, reality and legend, ancient treatises and literary endorsements woven together to create a disturbing and crystal clear portrait of our most underhanded enemy. A book to keep at hand, next to necklaces of garlic flowers and sharpened stakes.