Really Beautiful

Cairo Publishing

Really Beautiful

Tel Aviv, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Paris, Milan… Dvora Ancona, pioneer of aesthetic medicine in Italy, goes back over her memories of the salient episodes in her life around the world by narrating encounters with patients and illustrious colleagues and the avant-garde techniques she learned and employed over the years. This is a collection of true stories in which the examination table in the surgery of Dr Ancona – who for her patients is not just a physician, but also a friend – is a bit transformed into the psychotherapist’s couch. These are the stories of men and women who by resolving an aesthetic problem also healed spiritual conflicts. Because, as we know, psyche and body are strictly correlated and often, seeing one’s external aspect improved means making peace with oneself, with one’s fears and insecurities. Like Rossella from Romagna, who marked by the years and pregnancies and tired of her husband’s messing around, decides to get back her beauty. Like Mirco, single for years, but after working a lifetime, he decides he wants to look younger and more attractive in order to find a soul mate. With a Madonna Lift treatment he got back his flashing eyes, removed the wrinkles and began to be a hit with women. And like them, are Sara, Annalisa, Livia and Alina… Different stories, but all of them intense and enthralling. Stories with which everyone can identify and discover how a physical change can give rise to a new person and a new life. Because all of us need to feel good in our skins. And in this case, literally.